Monday, November 10, 2014


So I started this blog so I could get things off my chest. I have always liked writing my feelings down. It makes my feel lighter, and it's an easier way for me to deal with things. So this blog is my outlet.

I am in a funk this morning that I am truly trying very hard to shake. No am workout do to PJ coming to the my room at 230 and not falling back to sleep for at least 2 hours. She has another cold and the cough/snot-blowing her nose is keeping her up. I re-adjusted my alarm to go in 1 hr later and then I just couldn't do it. I really hate when I can't get my lazy bones out of bed. I always feel awful when it is finally time to get up.

So that's where I'm at this morning. Having a pity party for myself. Plus the hubs leaves Friday which only leaves Tues-Thurs for a morning workout. Then I'm on my own for 1 week, ugh. I dislike hunting season, but I know the hubs loves it and deserves a break because he works very hard.

And the icing on the cake, which could be a good reason I don't want to get my lazy bones out of bed, is because I have another stress fracture in my right foot. I had one about 2 years ago too. I started to get the same symptoms and then I really felt the pain. I am back to wearing a compression sock and a stabilizing boot when I leave the house.

I tell you what, I can't catch a break. I wonder if it's because for 30 years I didn't do real physical exercise. I rode horses from the age of 2-25 and that was it. And that was physical in many ways. Riding is a workout in it's self. Then there is cleaning stalls and all that good stuff that goes along with having horses.

The rest of the week I will monitor what I eat and get my workouts in. I need to be more disciplined. I need to put my health in the forefront. I also need to get a new routine for the next 4-5 weeks since I can't run. BOO.

But life will go on it always does. So happy running to the healthy runners out there! :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

When you just need to rest.

I have not been to the gym since last Thursday. It's Tuesday. I have a chest cold I just can't shake. And I would usually give it a go at the gym if I thought it was worth it. But I just don't. I really feel like I need the rest and my body needs to recover. The WORST part of this whole chest cold, besides the actual cold and my fear PJ will get another ailment do to my germs, is I have new Pearl Izumi shoes just sitting there waiting for me. I got them last Friday and have get to get them out for a spin. Ugh, Stinks.
I know I've mentioned how I find it irritating to hear runners/workouters talk about food, because not everyone has the same palate. And it can come across as condescending in my opinion. Anyway I feel the same way about when people say you should/shouldn't work out. Don't miss more than 3 days, never miss a Monday, blah blah blah.
Here's reality: I have a child who gets sicks. I too get sick. I work every other weekend and sometimes feel tired on Mondays. I say do what works for you. I am taking a break to feel better. And I might feel better tomorrow but PJ might be sick, so we'll deal with that. I think it shouldn't be so black and white. There is a lot of gray areas.
But overall I hope to be healthy again and get my feet in those new shoes! :)
Stay healthy and Run on!