Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The bike

Since being "off of running" for a few months ( March to be exact..but who's counting, oh me that's right!) haha anyway I started taking up cycling. I started in the gym on the stationary bike and have now moved onto the rail trail. On most weekends I can even get my husband and PJ to go out with me. I try to do at least two days of biking in the gym and then maybe once on the weekend.
I have noticed a huge difference!

Because after my knee started to give me problems I read all about how my glutes and legs aren't strong enough and that's why my ITBS happened. I'm also trying to do more squats (weighted) and lunges.

Biking on a weekly bases is what has made me think about doing a triathlon. I would have NEVER in a million years think that I would ever consider doing one, but hey, why the heck not! I just need to learn now to swim better. I mean I know how to swim, like I wouldn't drown if I was tossed into a body of water but I would definitely fatigue quickly trying to get back to the shore. So I think this winter the YMCA and I will become good friends as I learn how to improve me swimming skills.

Monday, September 29, 2014

At the beginning...

I have been wanting to start a running blog for a long time now. I wrote a few blogs in the past when my daughter,PJ, was a baby. Since starting to run I have been wanting to write about my journey with running. I have only been running for just over 1 year. My journey started because I wanted out of my old gym routine at 8:00pm at night. I started training for a 5k using a 12 weeks program. Everything changed. I was getting to the gym at 5:00 am and it was "me" time which was awesome! I mean, besides the 5 am part :). But as a working (part time but still) wife and mother to a now 4 year old, "me" time is precious and rare and amazing when they happen. After completing a handful of 5k's and one 8k and my racing days have since stopped. At least for now. I have high hopes of rehabbing my runners knees with a bright 2015 to look forward to. I plan on doing a half marathon in April 2015 (fingers tightly crossed) and a triathlon in September 2015 ( fingers and toes tightly crossed).
When it comes to running its changed me. Its changed my body and my soul. I am a better mother and wife. I have found a good balance since running has become a part of my daily routine. Yes my days start early but it is well worth it. One of the best outcome of running,besides all the obvious reasons, is its showing my daughter a good role model. Mama workouts out to be healthy and have energy to run with me and play. My daughter,PJ, is the reason I do most things and I am happy to show her a good example.
So here's to a blog I have been dying to write! So please come along and have a Happily Ever After Run ;)